Mario Bellomo
It is an honor to hike for The Outpost Foundation. As a longtime PGA Professional and an avid golfer who loves the game and all it stands for, I am honored to give back to the game that has been so good to me. In 2019 Will and I will cover as much ground as a Tour player does in a winning tournament WEEK and our goal this year is to hike 150 holes! We are raising money for The Outpost Foundation whose primary purpose is to promote awareness and raise financial support for worthwhile charitable and educational causes in the United States through golf events and related activities. Over the course of last spring and summer, the Foundation launched the Outpost Scholarship, which provided grants to young men and women involved in the game of golf to help them with the cost of their college educations. As a young man from a humble family of three boys, I was blessed to have been the recipient of several different scholarships which assisted me with my education at Penn State University. The generosity of so many was a gift to me and my family. Now, as I travel around the world to so many great courses, it is very rewarding to be able to give back those who work so hard on and off the course, to further their education. I thank you for your generous contributions and look forward to the "hike".